Suggestions & Complaints

Want to make a complaint?

We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice.

However, we are aware that things can go wrong resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. If this is so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible.

To pursue a complaint please phone 01872 572255 or email and the practice manager will deal with your concerns appropriately. 




We want to hear your complaints, comments and suggestions about the way we undertake our work. We need to know your views so we can improve our services to benefit the whole community.


This leaflet tells you what to do if you want to make a complaint.


Who Can Complain?

Anyone who has received NHS treatment or services can make a complaint. If you are unable, or do not wish to make a complaint yourself, then a relative or a friend can make the complaint on your behalf, with your permission.


What can be investigated under the NHS Complaints Procedure?

You can make a complaint about any NHS treatment or service you have received or are receiving from the practice. The NHS Complaints Procedure does not apply to complaints about private treatment, services provided by Social Services or any events that are the subject of legal action.


Who should I complain to?

Staff in the practice will be able to provide you  with  information  about  making  a


complaint. The quickest and simplest way is usually to speak or write to someone close to the cause of your complaint. This person will then arrange for the complaint to be investigated and for a response to be sent to you.


Or you can telephone NHS England Contact Centre if you do not wish to contact the surgery.  Tel 0800 311 22 33


You may wish to contact the local independent complaints advocacy service to assist you (SEAP).  They can be contacted on:

Tel: 03003435706




When should I complain?

Please try to make your complaint as soon as possible. There are time limits after the event you are complaining about, normally 12 months.  If you are in any doubt, confidential advice is available from the complaints manager.


What will happen next?

The person you talk to or write to will try to find  out  what  has  happened  and  take any


action that is necessary. They may need to talk to other staff, but they will be careful to

ensure that any information about you is kept confidential. Your complaint will not be recorded in your medical notes.


We aim to respond to you within 5 days of receipt of your complaint. If it is going to take longer to reply, we will advise you of any delay and agree a revised timescale with you.


What if I am unhappy following Local Resolution?


If you are not happy with the action taken to try to resolve your complaint, please say so – we may be able to do more to help.


If you are unhappy with the response, you can ask the Health Service Ombudsman to consider your case. This is the final stage of the NHS Complaints Procedure.


For further information, please contact the practice complaints manager.


NHS Friends and Family

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